Enhancing Your Team’s Performance With Team Agility Predictor

Team Agility Predictor helps teams identify their effective and ineffective behavior patterns to become more cohesive. Whether focusing on sprint planning, daily standups, or optimizing delivery, insights provide the metrics they need to stay on top of things.

People agility, the ability to adapt quickly to change and new situations, is one of the most crucial characters strengths a company can invest in for workforce readiness. It improves productivity and performance in the workplace.


Self-awareness is one of the essential skills that a team can have. It can help employees take challenging situations in stride and professionally handle them. It also helps them to understand their colleagues better and understand the needs of others.

In a constantly changing world, self-awareness is an essential skill to have. It’s not just about knowing your strengths and weaknesses but also about recognizing the triggers that can make you feel overwhelmed.

Developing self-awareness is challenging, though. It takes time and effort, but it is well worth the investment.

A highly self-aware team is more likely to handle conflict, embrace empathy and make vital decisions. They’ll also be less likely to be victimized by un-self-aware teammates, which can lead to reduced motivation and a greater likelihood of leaving the company.

The best way to increase self-awareness in a team is to involve everyone in the process from the start. That way, they can develop the skill and see how it benefits them.

Self-awareness is the ability to identify your values, aspirations, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses and how they impact others. It also involves recognizing your blind spots and imperfections, which can then be transformed into growth mindsets. The key is to make this practice a part of your daily routine.

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Team Cohesiveness

Team cohesiveness is a significant predictor of team performance, as evidenced by research findings. It is characterized by a solid interpersonal bond that allows the members to know, respect, and trust each other’s abilities.

Teams with high levels of team cohesiveness work well together and achieve goals faster. They also report greater job satisfaction, optimism, and lower social problems.

In addition, strong team cohesion can lead to increased employee engagement, which is essential in a business that wants to retain and develop its best employees. It also helps increase productivity, lowers stress, and ensures better decision-making.

However, building team cohesiveness takes time and requires a commitment to fostering relationships and trust. Managers must also provide a supportive environment, as micromanaging can hurt a team’s ability to become cohesive.

Lastly, creating an atmosphere of open communication between leaders and team members is essential. This will promote trust, resolve conflicts and encourage the development of new ideas and solutions.

Ultimately, team cohesiveness is the most important thing to achieve in a business to boost its performance. It is also the most common factor affecting employee engagement.


In a fast-paced world, agile teams are the key to success. They can respond quickly to changing circumstances and meet customer demands. They also enable more autonomous problem-solvers who are prepared to take responsibility for their decisions and actions.

When team members can work together effectively, it leads to more innovation, efficient processes, and improved success. It also increases the productivity of your employees by minimizing friction and delays in business processes.

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However, many organizations need help to boost collaboration when implementing a new formal structure or technology. This is because partnership involves a lot of time and energy that could be used instead of improving performance.

The best way to ensure that your team can collaborate effectively is to provide them with the tools they need to do so. To do this, it is essential to understand their individual needs and build an infrastructure that supports them.

They created team assessment tools to help you determine how well your team collaborates. It is an assessment that gives a holistic measure of your team’s character strengths. It also provides a metric for the team’s climate and suggestions for enhancing its generativity.


Team Agility Predictor allows leaders to gather perspective feedback on how a team works together. This data can help them build a culture that supports cohesive and effective communication among all team members.

As a result, they can help their teams to predict better, accelerate and adapt to challenges. This is especially important in fast-paced industries, where change can be rapid.

Employees cultivate learning agility through job rotations or stretch assignments that take them out of their regular work routine and give them new experiences. These opportunities allow them to learn new skills and expand their knowledge base, enhancing their performance.

Another way in which companies can foster learning agility is through gamification, which can increase engagement and spark employee participation. Friendly competition amongst colleagues and team-based play help people to build skills and a shared sense of purpose, which leads to more substantial work productivity and innovation.

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In addition to these tools, character science suggests that well-developed character strengths (the words in the blue ring on the Tilt model above) can enhance people’s agility and generative ability. The Tilt Framework measures 12 core character strengths correlated to positive influence and generativity.