3 Things You Can Do To Prepare for a Disaster

Most people don’t like to think about natural disasters striking their community or home. Unfortunately, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires and floods can happen to anyone living in any part of the world. While you can’t predict when a disaster will strike, here are three things you can do to prepare.

1. Make an Emergency Plan

The first step is to make an emergency plan. You can start by identifying what types of emergencies happen in your area. Fires and floods can strike anywhere but hurricanes and tornadoes tend to happen in specific regions of the country. Once you’ve identified common disasters, you can begin discussing and designing a plan. There are useful online tools and templates that can help you find all the information you need for a plan. General tips include knowing how to contact family members if you’re not together, what to do in each type of emergency situation and identifying emergency exits.

2. Make an Emergency Kit

Most experts suggest compiling items that your family will need for at least 72 hours following an emergency. These items are typically included in an emergency kit:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Flashlight
  • Basic tools
  • Change of clothing
  • Personal hygiene items

You can purchase emergency kits or build one on your own. Be sure to include any items specific to your needs, such as infant formula and prescription medications.

3. Know Contact Information

You need to know basic contact information when a disaster occurs. Specific radio stations will broadcast weather alerts and emergency information. You’ll need to contact your insurance company to report the disaster and you should contact your mortgage company to see if you qualify for deferred payments. Cleanup service Vancouver BC companies can also assist with cleaning and restoring your home after a flood, fire or another disaster.

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Preparing for a disaster is one of the best things you can do for your home and family. Make a plan, build an emergency kit and have basic contact information readily available.