Unveiling the Secrets of Professional Turf Maintenance in Kent

The secret to a healthy lawn is consistent, professional care. At Portage Turf Specialists, we use a variety of organic and traditional lawn treatments to promote dark green turf that’s healthy and weed-free.

Having a great-looking yard can take time and effort. Synthetic grass is a great option to reduce water bills and save time and energy.


When it comes to turf maintenance Kent, proper watering is key. Aim to water several times weekly, giving your soil a deep soaking to avoid disease and thatch build-up.

Avoid watering past the point of runoff – doing so is wasteful and does not benefit your turfgrass. If you’re unsure whether your turf is under water stress, look for signs such as rolled-up grass blades and a dull bluish-gray color.

Early morning is the best time to water because cooler temperatures and calm wind speeds reduce evaporation losses. This also allows the turf to dry before field use.


A natural or synthetic substance contains chemical elements that enhance or replace those in the soil needed for plant growth. Fertilizers may be applied as granular or liquid and are usually labeled N, P, K or (32-0-4).

Nitrogen is the most important turfgrass mineral because it elicits the most significant growth response. It is used to enhance green color and increase or maintain high density, improving turf appearance.

Before applying fertilizer, consider getting a soil test. A soil test can indicate the pH and nutrients in your soil and help you choose the best type of fertilizer.


Many homeowners renovate their houses for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they want to save energy, repurpose rooms for new uses, or improve the look of their home’s exterior.

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Pruning plants, shrubs and hedges is a big deal for their health and appearance. It can help train them to grow properly, improve quality and, in some cases, restrict growth.

It’s important to prune your turf to promote dark green, thick turf and prevent the development of weeds. It is also critical to properly prune juniper, arborvitae and false cypress so that they continue producing large flowers and fruit.

Fertilizing Again

A lush lawn provides many benefits – it adds value to your home, reduces noise, and helps cool the environment. But, maintaining a healthy yard can be difficult and expensive.

Your soil supplies some nutrients your turf needs for its growth, but fertilization is often necessary. Properly timed fertilization promotes dark green, healthy turf.

In the spring, when ground temperatures rise, and dormant grass begins its growth, you may mistakenly fertilize your lawn too soon. This can feed weeds rather than your turf.

Weed Control

Weeds are not only unsightly, but they also compete with desirable turfgrasses for water and nutrients. Weed control is critical to achieving and maintaining healthy turfgrass.

Herbicides are chemicals that kill or alter the normal growth of certain weeds without damaging desirable plants. They can be selective or nonselective and either foliar or soil applied.

Selective herbicides control a specific weed species, while nonselective herbicides kill all vegetation, including desirable turfgrasses. When comparing different weed control methods, unbiased observations and a rating system are necessary. Stand counts of treated and untreated plots provide the standard basis for comparison.

Weed Removal

Weeds steal nutrients from your grass, preventing it from growing lush and green. This is why weed removal is so important. The key to a good weed removal strategy is not simply pulling the weed but eliminating it from its roots. Pulling weeds by the root also prevents them from returning, making your lawn even more weed-ridden.

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If you have children, having DIY turf in your yard can be a great way to let them play without worrying about mud or rocks. This is because weeds don’t grow in synthetic grass.

Weed Prevention

A good weed control program is key to any farm’s maintenance strategy. Weeds interfere with the growth of desirable grass plants by competing for nutrients, soil moisture and sunlight. They also prevent desirable plants from maturing and developing seeds for future growth.

Annual weeds with shallow roots are easily controlled by hand-pulling. Perennial weeds with deep roots require more careful manipulation to remove the entire root system.

When seed or hay fields are planted, weeds often find their way into the crop. Pre-emergence herbicides (like glyphosate) or cultivation can be used before planting to reduce the number of weeds that emerge during the season.