3 Home Projects To Finish Before Winter

The fall season is the right time to finish up home projects before the weather takes a colder turn. When your yard and home are coated with ice and snow, home renovations and repairs are more time consuming and costly to complete. You may have a long list of home projects, but it’s best to complete outdoor projects before winter. You can take advantage of the fall weather by installing a generator, building a gazebo or planting trees and bushes.

Generator Installation

In several areas of the country, strong winds, overloaded grids and natural disasters cause massive power outages. After a hurricane or tornado, utility workers are overwhelmed with repairs and may not service your area for days or weeks. A generator provides power to your home, prevents food and medication spoilage and maintains a comfortable temperature when connected to HVAC units. For a professional generator installation, you can contact electrical repairs Bishop CA.

Gazebo Construction

Depending on the size of the project, most gazebos can be completed in a few days. You can spend a little more and purchase a prefabricated kit, but they allow less customization of your design. If you’re unfamiliar with building foundations and wooden structures, you can call a contractor or a skilled acquaintance with adequate construction experience. If you’re planning on growing ivy or climbing varieties of plants, you can attach sections of lattice above your planting site.

Tree and Shrub Planting

For large trees, shrubs and spring flowers, fall is a great season for planting. When you plant before winter, the plants’ roots can develop and grow stronger before next spring. The bulbs of irises, lilies, and chrysanthemums have a lengthy germination period and will begin to appear in April or May, and some evergreens will flower in the spring if they’re planted soon.

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Before the snowstorms and frigid temperatures keep you indoors, you can complete a few home projects and enjoy the last of the pleasant weather.